Weightage of Marks - Chemistry, Chapterwise Weightage |
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Chemistry Atomic Structure :- We can expect 1 or 2 bits in this chapter. In this chapter, one must be perfect in concepts like characteristics of Hydrogen spectrum, Debroglies Hypothesis, Uncertainty Principle and Wave Functions Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties :- In this chapter 1 or 2 theory bits based on the concept of Periodic trends in physical and chemical properties of elements - Atomic Radii, Ionic Radii, Inert Gad Radii, Ionization Energy, Electron gain energy, Electronegativity - Metallic and Non-Metallic Nature, Nature of Oxides, Diagonal relationship. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure :- This is very important chapter for the concept which could be applied else where. The main concepts here are Crystal Lattice Energy Calculation, Born Habers' Cycle, VESPR theory and Hydrogen Bonding. Stoichiometry :- This is very problematic and important chapter. One needs to know the formulae thoroughly and need to perform calculations faster. 3-4 questions are expected. The main concepts are :
States of Matter / Gases :- In this chapter, we expect 2-3 bits. Preference should be given to calculations. The main concepts are Ideal Gas Equations, Average, Root Mean Square and Most Probable Velocity Solutions :- We may expect 1-2 bits from this chapter. Concentration must be more on topics like Raoult's Law, RLVP, Elevation of Boiling POint, Depression in freezing point, Osmosis, Abnormal molar mass etc. Electro Chemistry :- A very important chapter. 3-4 bits are expected. Some of the important topics in this chapter are.. Equivalent and Molar Conductance, Kohlrausch's Law, Electrolytes and Non-Electrolytes, Red-Ox reactions, Faraday's laws, Electrochemical series (very important), Nernest Equation. Solid State :- 2-3 bits are expected from this topic. Seven Crystal Systems, Bragg's Equation, Calculation of Density, Packing of solids and voids, point and crystal defects, electrical and magnetic properties. Chemical Kinetics :- In this topic we have two sub-topics - Chemical Equilibrium and Acids & Bases... Some of the important topics in chemical kinetics factors affecting reaction rates, Rate law, Units of rate constant, Order and molecularity..
Thermodynamics :- 1-2 bits are expected from this topic. The Telugu Akademy text book has enough content for this topic. Go through line by line for better scoring. Some important topics are - calculating the enthalpy, exothermic and endothermic reactions, Cp and Cv relation, Hess' law and Gibbs Free Energy. Surface Chemistry :- 2 marks can easily be answered if some attention is paid towards the below topics :
Hydrogen And Its Compounds :- 1 or no bits expected from this topic. Going through the lines in text-book is enough Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals :- II A Group Elements. 1 or no theory bits expected. p-Block Elements - Group 13 to 17 Elements - 3,4,5,6,7A Group Elements :- We may expect 5-6 bits for all these chapters. The following properties of each group needs some special focus
Group 18 Elements - Noble Gases :- 1 or no bits expected from this topic. Transition Elements - d-Block Elements :- 2-3 bits expected. Some important aspects of this chapter are :
General Principles of Metallurgy :- 1-2 bits are expected. Some important topics are - concentration methods (froath floatation, liquation), reverboratary and blast furnaces, extraction of copper, zinc, iron, steel and silver Environmental Chemistry :- 1 bit is expected. Go through the text-book line by line. Basic Principles and Techniques in Organic Chemistry :- The basic chapter of Organic Chemistry. A bit is expected from IUPAC Nomenclature, substitution, addition, elimination and rearrangement reactions with examples, Inductive effect, Electromeric effect, Resonance and Hyperconjugation. Hydrocarbons :- 2-3 bits from this chapter are expected. Important topics - General Properties of Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, Alkenes, Cis-Trans Isomerism etc., Alkynes & Aromatic Hydrocarbons :- 1-2 bits from this topic. Better to concentrate on Benzene, Resonance and Aromaticity, Chemical Properties, Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Introduction, IUPAC Nomenclature, addition reaction of - Hydrogen, halogens, Hydrogen Halides and Water. Stereo Chemistry :- 1-2 bits are expected. Halo Alkanes & Halo arenes, Alcohols / Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes and Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen - Nitrobenzene :- 8-9 bits in all are expected. Concentrate on formation reactions, reactions with other compounds. Polymers & Biomolecules :- 3-4 bits are expected. Complete theory bits. Read Proteins, Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, DNA, RNA etc Chemistry on Everyday Life :- 2 bits from this chapter. Text-Book Reading is sufficient. Note: While all care has been taken in preparing this weightage material, some errors might have crept in. It is in the sole discretion of the reader that he goes through this material. Also, this has been prepared taking into consideration all the previous years' question papers. Multi-Conceptual bits can also be asked which have not been accounted here. |