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Student after 12th talking about engineering subjects comparing to Engineering subjects and  electrical engineering thinks that it’s a kind advanced work of an electrician, who come home to repair our electric fans and lights. But in reality its entirely different from that and you will be learning whole lot of Electrical engineering techniques and related stuff in this course.

During first year of engineering, electrical engineering students learn about common engineering courses like Engineering mathematics, Physics, Engineering Drawing and fundamentals of computing. From second year they will start learning about Thermodynamics, introductory electronics, signal processing and instrumentation, signals, systems and electric networks, microelectronics, control systems, communication systems, power systems, electromagnetic systems, electrical machines, and power generation techniques. By the end of final year students can be well equipped with the understanding of working and application of electric systems and engineering.

There are equally good opportunities for jobs in electrical engineering industry and higher education. There is lot of multidisciplinary research for developing electric vehicles with great funding and scope all over there world. On the same time good opportunities back in the home industry.

Core companies offering jobs :

ABB, Bajaj International Private Ltd., Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Center for Electronics Design and Technology, Crompton Greaves Limited (CGL), Siemens Ltd., Reliance Power Limited, and Wipro Lighting are name to few.

Average Salary : 3.0~3.5 Lac Rupees per annum.

In the meanwhile, check out the information on Diploma program from 99 Days onwards.