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Chemical Engineering studies involve all common engineering subjects in first year. From second year the specialized courses will begin that include fluid mechanics, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, surface science, catalysis and reaction engineering. Till final year, students will study about chemical processes and properties, and topics like chemical reactors, chemical thermodynamics and experimenting with the latest technology and devices.

By the end of final year students will be exposed to chemicals, polymers, petroleum, pharmaceuticals along with computer and information technology for the development of chemical engineering processes. There are good amount of opportunities for chemical engineering students, they are hired mostly by pharmaceutical, polymer and petroleum companies. There are good amount of higher studies opportunities too, but need to compete with larger pool of MSc chemistry, biology and pharmacy Students.

Though it is not considered as a very hot branch of engineering, but it has got a lot of potential for growth because of its applicability. Its value and importance have risen in recent days because of the environmental issues. Jobs in petroleum companies like Schlumberger, Shell, Aramco and other Middle Eastern companies make it a prosperous choice of engineering.

Core companies offering jobs :

ONGC, Reliance Industries Ltd., Essar Oil Limited, Gujarat Gas Company Limited, Indo Gulf Fertilizers Ltd., Coromandel Fertilizers Limited. Along with these, there are number of research and development opportunities for chemical engineering students and renumeration may range from $1000~$2500 for PhD and Postdoc (research after PhD) for chemical engineering students.

Average Salaries : 2.8~3.5 Lac Rupees per annum.